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Crafting a Cloud Migration and Modernisation Strategy for the Public Sector – download our new e-Book

Written by Liz Baker | 26 Apr 2023

The UK Government’s Shared Services Strategy aims to use technology and remote work to better serve citizens by streamlining services, modernising systems, and driving down costs.

Our new e-Book, Crafting a Cloud Migration and Modernisation Strategy for the Public Sector offers advice on developing and executing migration strategies to realise the benefits of this approach.

Why you should read this book

Because it will help you start your cloud migration and modernisation strategy.

This book is primarily aimed at organisations in the public sector interested in migrating their applications to the cloud, but the key steps to achieve this are relevant to anyone starting on their migration journey.

Our guide focuses on the six different strategies involved in application migration to the cloud, which can help organisations achieve improved cost structure, scalability, and quick response to changing market demands.

Your readiness checklist

Included in the book is a simple readiness checklist to help you focus on the key areas for you cloud migration and modernisation.  Split into three areas, it covers Business Planning, Implementation and Optimise and Enhance.

Creating your strategy through the benefits of cloud migration

Being able to articulate the benefits of cloud migration is essential to bring all stakeholders on side.  

Our e-Book will show you the benefits of migrating to the cloud, emphasising the need to understand why a migration is necessary to determine the benefits and the right migration strategy to adopt.

The advantages of cloud migration include cost-effectiveness, access to services, scalability, and the ability to leverage managed services.

Organisations can either upskill their employees, hire from the market, or partner with experienced teams during the migration process. The cloud also offers regulatory solutions, consolidated tooling, and standardised skillsets, which can help organisations meet their objectives and solve legacy application challenges.

Download our new e-Book, Crafting a Cloud Migration and Modernisation Strategy for the Public Service and start your cloud migration journey.

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