It’s Kataday – the Smart Fridge kata

"Smart" Fridges are in.  And FridgeCraft want to adopt this trend with their new test model.  Our Smart Fridge kata will test your coding skills to not just program the fridge, but to run simulations in order to demonstrate the functionality.

FridgeCraft's Research and Development team need you to use your coding skills to program their latest model.

The target audience needs to be able to:
  • Track what food they have added to the fridge
  • The expiration date
  • And timestamp when the food was added.

However, every time the fridge is opened, the food starts to degrade so you will also need to add in this factor to the expiration.

Getting set up can be the roadblock to starting a kata. In our screenkatas you can join our Software Craftspeople and let them show you how to set up your repositories for JavaPHPPython and Typescript. For other languages, check out our guide on GitHub.

Love our #kataday challenges?  Then find them all here and don't forget that our Katalyst portal is filled with programming problems to expand and sharpen your coding skills.